Broughton Village Lengthsman Vacancy

26th of February, 2023

Broughton Village Lengthsman

Broughton Parish Council is seeking a contractor to carry out the “Village Lengthsman role as set out in the schedule of works below.

This role commences on 1st April 2023 for an initial period of 6 months which will be extended to 2 years if performance is satisfactory.

The contract will be supervised by the Parish Council Link person.

Application in writing quoting expected rate of pay by 12th March 2023 to: with two recent references.

Schedule of Works

  1. Highway maintenance activities on a monthly basis
  • Clean signs and bollard reflectors
  • Sign posts, verge posts/bollards, remove notices from posts (except planning notifications in date)
  • Prune or strim overhanging & intrusive vegetation
  • Clear footways especially where vegetation  is encroaching
  1. PROW:
  • Check signage
  • Maintain and repair to an annual schedule
  • Initial work to repair stiles, gates and surfaces will be scheduled in the 1st year
  1. Litter picking along Garstang Road, Whittingham Lane, Woodplumpton Lane, Durton Lane & the Guild Wheel on a monthly basis
  2. Tasks as designated by the council and a regular basis
  • Maintaining street furniture
  • Maintaining the war memorials on the Garstang Road
  • Maintaining the Pinfold and associated seating
  1. Additional tasks as scheduled and delegated by the Parish Council link person

Terms & conditions

  1. The contractor will supply a copy of their public liability insurance prior to commencement of the contract.
  2. The contractor will supply all their own equipment and sundries.
  3. The contractor will maintain Health & Safety at all time and supply risk assessments as required
  4. The Parish Council will supply appropriate reflective workwear
  5. Payment will be retrospective by Bacs on receipt of a monthly invoice with completed task list