The Friargate South Scheme Have your say !

2nd of January, 2024

The Friargate South Scheme

Current Consultation - December 2023 / January 2024

Have Your Say!

This public realm scheme to Friargate South is being delivered with funding successfully secured through the 'Active Preston' Levelling Up Fund Programme. The proposed Friargate South scheme presents an exciting opportunity to further improve the street scene across the city centre, improving the public realm and a sustainable transport network, to encourage regeneration.

Friargate South - reduced

The proposals comprise:


The proposals will be integrated into the Transforming Ringway and Friargate North improvements, which have been designed to support cyclists and pedestrians between the University and the Harris Quarter.


Friargate South aims to provide a pedestrian priority public realm that matches work already carried out on Fishergate and Friargate North using complementary materials.


Improvements to the area include high quality paving, which differ in treatment and type. They will provide continuity with the Friargate North paving improvements.



There are several parts to the scheme:

  • A shared pedestrian/cyclist/service vehicle zone paved with a warm, buff tone of natural granite finish and concrete Kellen paving, with a one way contra-flow cycle lane paved in a darker tone for visual demarcation
  • A two-tone corduroy strip of paving to the edge of the shared-use central carriageway zone
  • A feature paved area at the section where Friargate South connects with Orchard Street
  • On Cheapside - A new contra flow cycle lane alongside the Flag Market with asphalt /chippings surface
  • New street furniture to include cycle stands, litter bins / bollards, benches and seating blocks, street trees set within rain gardens/planted areas

How to have your say


If you have any comments or concerns regarding the proposed works, please submit them by the deadline of Sunday 21 January 2024.


If you are a business or trader affected by the Friargate South works planned in the vicinity of your property, we would be happy to meet with you to discuss any concerns or comments you have.

Friargate South Consultation - Have your say

Thank you for your patience whilst we make Preston City Centre a better place to work, visit, shop and enjoy.