E New Special

7th of August, 2023

Broughton in Amounderness Parish Council e-news 2023 No 26

Neighbourhood Plan Review


If have any comments please contact the Parish Council at the Parish Office at  the Toll Bar Cottage, 476 Garstang Road, Broughton PR3 5JB or by email [email protected]




WHY do we need to do this? All land allocations have been used, the Central Lancashire Core Strategy (CCLS) is being reviewed and policies need adjusting & adding to, to help Preston City Council (PCC) planning officers.

HOW do we do this? With consultations with PCC & community, working with a planning consultant to draft the revised version and with Locality/AECOM on a design code.

WHEN did we start this? We started in November 2022 aiming to have it with the examiner by October 2023.

Work so far…

  1. Minor changes and updates to current plan

Preston City Council & Central Lancashire Core Strategy staff have assisted with the initial review of the existing plan and have made suggestions for changes and amendments which will clarify and assist with their decisions making.


  1. Additional or revised policies
  1. The key policy missing from the original plan was a design code we are adding this
  2. HoW green is the plan? We looked at this and will add r a Parish Action Point on renewable energy?
  3. In the section on Traffic Management & Highway Maintenance we need to acknowledge we are now post bypass so we need to add comments about the work already done on traffic issues.  The design code will clarify parking for new developments or conversions as the off and on street parking in adequate.
  4. The PAP on “Trees” needs to be a policy.
  5. The PAP on Heritage Assets needs to be a policy


  1. Future development & Site Allocation

The contentious issues of future developments and housing numbers was addressed with Michael Bullock who produced the report for the CLCS. He broke this down into a “Broughton Housing Needs” analysis for us. This highlighted three key points:

a) The lack of rental properties

b) The number of four plus bedroomed houses planned or under construction is out of proportion to other properties in the village (Is there any justification for this in the census such as a high number of multigenerational or large families?)




c) The current and planned developments will nearly double the population from to what it was at the time of the initial plan, this affects the future allocation of sites. The population in 2011 was 1723, by 2021 it was 2467 and by 2026 it will top 3000. As Preston City Council has less land available in the urban area and is utilising its brownfield sites the rural parishes will be looked to for additional sites. We need to allocate two sites with a total of 200 properties for the next 12/14 years.

The initial site allocations being looked at are: Keyfold Farm phase 3 (see masterplan) and Broughton Park phase 2 (40% in Broughton Parish, landlocked and adjacent the M6 motorway)


Next Steps

  1. The results of the recent online survey are being integrated into the plan, plus any comment received.


  1. Preston City Council are working on the plans for the King Georges Field including the new playground, paths and extended car park. This plan is the 2nd draft and is subject to change.