Love Clean Streets - Report it

5th of April, 2023

Report It on the go with Love Clean Streets

You can now report all highways issues to us via the Love Clean Streets app.

How it works

It’s simple to use and your issue can be logged in seconds.

The reports will come to our highways team in the usual way, but you will be able to report issues on your mobile whilst out and about.

Attaching a photo to your report will help our inspectors to assess the work quickly.

You will also be able to keep up to date on the progress of your report via the app.

*Please note that any reports you make via the app, will not be visible on our Report It website. 

Download the app

The app is free to download.

Love Clean StreetsSimply search for 'Love Clean Streets' on the App store or Google Play Store on your mobile phone or tablet.

Set Lancashire County Council as your home authority.

Download on the App Store Get it on Google Play